Thailand Consolidation
You’ve entrusted us to source safe and quality foods. Now let us save you money in shipping them to you.
Our consolidation services allows you to ship multiple items from multiple suppliers into a single container, direct from our dedicated logistics team and warehouse in Thailand.
Our dedicated logistics personnel in Thailand are here to help you:
- You choose what items you want from our qualified suppliers in Thailand or Vietnam.
- We consolidate these items onto a single container.
- We figure out the fastest and lowest cost freight for you.
- We clear your items thru US Customs, FDA, and USDA.
- We ship directly to your distribution centers or facilities.
- We manage the entire logistics process.
- Our logistics team in Thailand instructs how your goods are loaded onto the container.
- We use seals and padlocks to prevent product tampering, theft, and fraud.
- Seal numbers are printed on all shipping documents.
- Low minimum orders.
- Reduce your domestic inventory costs.
- Your own turnkey private label and ingredient supply program.
- Confidence in the safety and integrity of your supply chain.
- 178,500 square feet.
- 20,000 tons capacity.
- 6 levels mobile pallet racks.
- Chilled, frozen, and ambient storage areas.
- Only 12 miles from Bangkok port.